Going home #Malaysia


I am writing this while waiting for my flight which is schedule on 23:20 pm 😢

I can't wait to back home because i am craving Asam Laksa so much ! 😁

Alhamdulillah.. 17 days journey in Korea went very well and i am so happy because i met many peoples. The most happiest things are i got to met my lecturer, Prof Yi Yangso and my friends who lived in Daegu (Wawa, Mina & Dohu) I wish someday i'll the the same opportunity as Wawa to continue my studies in Korea (In Yeungnam University to be more specific) 😊

Actually I want to write daily post but unfortunately i can't because everytime I arrived at guesthouse, im so tired and get to sleep early  (The weather freaking cold)

But i promise to write many post as I want to share with you about my journey. If you ask me what i feel right now, i feel satisfied. But (oh no there's BUT!) -- i regretted because i don't have much time to explore Goeje (I put in my itinerary but seriously time are so envious with me) 😭

I will return. Return and visit Goeje. I will.

Korea, thank you. Thanks for all great moments. Thank you Allah for giving me this chance and giving me such a good health during my stay for this 17 days.

I pray Allah let me live longer so that I can return and pursue my PhD in Korea as I promise to myself (before that I need to finish my master thesis first la weii).😂

Im strong and not like 4 years ago when I feel so sad and crying like a baby (got matured enough kot!) ㅋㅋ. Because i know i'll come again (eventhough it will take 4 years) ㅎㅎㅎ.

Pls pray for my safety. Depart on 23:20 pm and will arriving in Kuala Lumpur at 05:05 am then i need to catch  first bus to Batu Pahat 😄

See yaa in next post. ♡

Hayyan Umairah
Incheon Airport (3rd floor, F)


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