Solo Travel to Busan -- Gamcheon Cultural Village (Part 1)

Hi Everyone. 

Hari ini barulah terasa nak menaip selepas selesai segala urusan tugasan sebagai seorang pelajar sarjana. Dia punya tahap stress tu memang tak boleh kasi lawan tau (sebenarnya aku yang pemalas)-- hahaha. 

Rindu juga Korea ni. Ibu aku asyik cakap "Kakak, kau tak bosan ke asyik Korea je." -- Nak buat macam mana kan sebab sayang nya sis pada korea nie memang tahap cinta la. hahaha, over !

Okay masuk topik la yer.. sebenarnya masa ke Busan ni bulan Januari 2018.. tapi baru nak tulis kan,, Harap dapatI membantu mereka yang mahu ke Busan.

Personally, I love Busan. Mungkin sebab cara percakapan lebih kurang macam orang Daegu. :)

Alright, let's get start.

I stayed at Kimchee Busan Guethouse located near Beomnaegol Station. It only took 3 mins from the station. Believe me, the guesthouse so alive and full with foreigners. If you love to makes new friend, i suggest you to stay here. I stayed for 5D4N and cost me RM134 (Female dormitory w/ 10 people)

From Beomnaegol Station, I need go to Taesong Station -- No need to transfer because it same line (LINE 1) . If you stay at the hostel near with Line 2, I suggest you to download the Metro Map (as my previous post)

Next, from Taeseong Station, please exit 6. Makesure you turn right at the corner and walk straight. You will see a hospital on your right. The bus stop is right in front of the hospital. Take either Bus 2 or 2-2 (It cost me 1120 won) -- pay using T-Money

The bus will stop you at the last station. I f you can't find the signboard of the village, please ask people around you. As my case, i found many tourist from China (?) -- just because they speak chinese :D and i thougt ahh that must the place.

I bought the map at 2000 Won. But it's optional. The lady at the information centre quite shook when i spoke korean with her. (I do really enjoy my time when i was in Korea bcs I can practised my language ㅠ.ㅠ)

So the journey begin. The village quite calm when i was there and i noticed not many shop open (maybe bcs i went there earlier in the morning)

I found this so funny ! 

Luckily i found someone who are willing to take picture for me ㅠ.ㅠ

Actually, at the entrance gate, there is one small shop that sell 90's candies (bcs i realised those candies packaging look noir) but I lost all the photos (my hard disk tragedy) 

Gamcheon Cultural Village is a kinda hilly village (?) makesure you wear suitable shoes and also makesure you're fit bcs to be exact you're to hiking lot. hihihi

I took this picture from Village information centre. If you're fans of Running Man (episode 126) or 2 Days 1 night (episode in Busan), you'll find the location where you can view most of the village. To be honest, i got lost when i find this. i'll tell you why.

From the entrance, You'll see this tired ahjumma statue (at the right is a restaurant) -- can you see the stair at the left ? yesss, please go on that way till you see level 3. You might confuse because there'll many room but that's okay !! -- turn left until you'll see stairs. (
I got confused and going up and down for 3 times) :(

Oh btw, if you buy the map, you can collect the stamps and can get one postcard. 

As you go down, you'll see signboard to BUS NO 17 . If you take this bus, you can directly go to Taejongdae (which i can tell you later).

I hope this entry will help you. :)

Recap :
subway Bomnaegol - Toseong (LINE 1), EXIT 6
Take bus 2 or 2-2 (Last stop)

See you next entry !! <3


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